The cute love status in hind

Unlike the generations that preceded us, we tend today to fondnos relations on the one attraction we feel for someone. Our parents and grandparents, in contrast, were careful too to be led by their emotions.

More individualistic, more rushed and stressed, we want to emphasize the intensity of an experience on its duration , so we seek above all in love the force of desire and the magic of the moment. In short, we want to know more "euphoria" of the state that love to build strong and lasting relationships.

But being in love is not a condition that lasts forever! It is love, real and grounded, that lasts. The challenge then is to transform the test (pass of being in love with love). Often badly lived a very delicate way. for more details visit our site

When one is in love, we say "on a cloud," "a little elsewhere," images that illustrate the sometimes illusory nature of being in love. So, when it turns to evolve gradually towards love, when the relationship matures, paradoxically we feel disappointed: the euphoria settles, we finally see the other as he is .

That has not changed for decades, since the liberalization of mores of the 70s: before, we had a vision of love far less independent, everyone's involvement was far more important.

The difference today is that, in a general atmosphere of acceleration of social relations and the pace of life in general, we tend to rush more quickly into new relationships, without deep reflection: thus the phase of doubt , accompanying systematically being in love is often resented .

It happens more brutally than before, it is more difficult to cross calmly, that is to say by not reaching too quickly to the conclusion that our partner is not "good". More illusions are strong more disappointment is deep . Where our parents were much more philosophers, we have difficulty accepting the doubt in love, we do not consider "normal."

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